If you allow Brush Teeth in Bathrooms but disallow in Kitchen they will only use the Kitchen Sink(s) to wash dishes then Disable Toggle Options: which prevents the "Allow/Disallow Brush Teeth" Interactions to be added ingame - Disabled Brush Teeth Sinks Will Allow Wash Dishes Only - Sims will only wash Dishes in Sinks where the Brush Teeth is disabled via my Interaction. Optional Addons: - After Eating too - If you add the Eating Addon they will also Brush their Teeth after Eating. I added a Toggle Option to Sinks to disallow Brush Teeth. Sims will get a Buff with a autonomous Behaviour to Brush their Teeth. Sims will auto Brush their Teeth after they have puked. Be aware Foundations count as inside no matter if they are a Patio etc. When Sims are inside on a Residential Lot they will take of their Shoes (Unfortunaly also slippers). Make sure the drink is in the drink slot or else they will get up to get it. Beside the Autonomy Push to drink, i added an interaction when sims start eating, so they will drink right when they start eating. Be aware, i never had this issue in my Game, so i kind of blindly tweak here. Some Tweaks regardings Sims getting up to get Water from sinks.

Sims who are eating at the Table and will autonomously grab a Drink when nearby. The bugged always in Panic wakeup is overridden with the unmotivated wake up. Sims with other Moods will wake up more motivated "Focused, Energized, Flirty, Inspired, Confident, Playful" 3. Sims with the following Moods will wake up more unmotivated "Sad, Happy, Bored, Embarrassed, Uncomfortable, Fine, Tense, Dazed" 2. Thanks to nabob052 (The Secret Agent Modder on Discord who kicked my Ass in the right Direction) i finally found out how to change the Animations when Sims wake up. DLCs) will now have a Food Slot in the middle of the Table Round Dining Tables (Laundry, Jungle Adv. There are currently 116 Mods available in Random Small Mods Click on a Mod to see more Infos! +