Warcraft 3 frozen throne key
Warcraft 3 frozen throne key

warcraft 3 frozen throne key

All you have to do is just kill the Armory Guards and then rescue the Meat Wagons. You'll want to do this optional quest-it'll give you access to two Meat Wagons. Head back to where the Fountain of Mana was. Step on the glowing platform and seek the Boots of Quel'Thalas from the ground that just raised. South of the Shade is a Fountain of Mana and gold. Travel north and then west to frag some more enemies and get reinforced by a Necromancer and a Shade. Break down the gate to the east for some reinforcements. North from the Abomination lie some Dreadlord and Fel Beasts. Head north to continue onward, or south for more fights and gold. Head east now until you receive an Abomination in your group. Frag the enemies here and break the stone pedestals. Go up north again to break a second Elven Gate. You'll meet up with some Necromancers that have the Raise Dead ability. Start the level by fragging the Ghouls around you. Destroy the three altars to complete the mission. Now have all three of your parties attack the Human base. If you want, have Arthas and Slyvanas assist Kel'Thuzad. Frag anyone that gets in your way to your last town. Raise the dead for more reinforcements and sack this town. Level this town and anyone that resides in it and then head southwest across the water into another town. Head northwest and engage the Militia commander. Kel'Thuzad should be backed up by Ghouls and Necromancers. You'll have to find out why he's losing it. Now that you only have three towns left, Arthas will lose a level. Finish off this town by setting the farms ablaze. Possess the Paladin's Knights and frag the Paladin, next the Towers. Destroy the two Guard Towers and possess the Knights that try to stop you. Destroy the farms to obliterate this town. Have your Knights engage the enemy and the Towers. If you would like, possess the Priests that try to oppose you. Frag the Paladin with your new forces now. Possess the Motars and then the Paladin's knights. Bring your female force west and possess the two Knights lingering south of here. Once again, frag the paladin and his knights and then destroy the farms. Destroy the cannon towers and then the Archmages. If you follow the path, you'll come right across into a Human base. Once everyone has been slain, head north and wipe out the farms. Destroy the Tower and frag the paladin and his knights. Frag the Militia commander and then the throwers. Keep heading north and then west for your second town to level.

warcraft 3 frozen throne key

Destroy all the farms to destroy the town. Frag the militia, the captain, and the paladin.

warcraft 3 frozen throne key

Starting with Artha's group, gather some Abominations and head east. The other group will be for attacking the towns. One will stop the refugees from escapeing. Each corner you control are the refugees only chance of escape.

Warcraft 3 frozen throne key